Wednesday, September 24, 2008


i'm at a work conference in Dallas right now... I wish they would have saved the money and not have this creepy art... feels like I'm being watched! The food sucks, but the beer and wine is free - kind of like a wedding that goes for 4 nights.


Lynn said...

That is creepy artwork. Hope you don't have nightmares tonight about it! ;-)

Swamp Gas said...

Is that ghastly thing actually in your room?

Have you considered that it might be a fertility goddess?

I would put a towel over it.


joeythelovesponge said...

I think hotel management places one of those in each room to freak out the maids, and make them think someone is always watching them...

cbroolio said...

Gas - it is in my room... I think Lynn arranged for it to watch over me so I wouldn't take a swim in the company pond, if you know what I mean!